
Posts Tagged ‘computer’

Abjure Road

dead end

©Sharon Rose

Markets with keyboard, with one eye!
D/D, BBF, SWM, and whims, every initial!
Opening Pandora’s’, discerning sigh.
WWW, denotes something so official!

Both eyes closed, through personals.
Finally visiting ‘Craig’, suite trepidation.
Astutely marked, full apparitional(s),
hell, of course, long way from Zion.

Dictionaries lacking, attacking w’s,
Offerings, even two double-u.
No limits, no boundaries, no curfews.
Put your soul here? Hell turns up btu.

Never seeing ‘Craig’ in the game.
Now, chaste shoppers beware!
New ‘Craig’ a ‘friend’ really lame.
New way to Hell, helleva, snare.


Aside Written for dversepoets prompt, I was kind of at a loss here. So I had to look up everything.
I was on craigslist and just clicked on personals, shocking research there. So I thought I
would write something, “on those sayings from the dark side’. Reference to Craig in
write. I have experienced some internet dating, but I have never seen anything like
craigslist. Probably will not even shop there in the future either. OMG. Just thought
you all should know that it apparently is an adult site.